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Good recreation planning contributes to the quality of life. Reducing obesity; helping foster community values; reducing the risk of certain diseases, and providing youth a positive outlet isonly a few of the mental and physical health benefits of recreation. When Quantum Recreation is involved with planning recreation and parks, we take a very systematic approach that is technical by nature. However, we aim to present a document that is attractive and user-friendly so not only will council, administration and recreational professionals be able to access the plan, but interested community members and organizations as well. Our goal is to create planning documents that are as usable, and the community as a whole can relate to and take ownership and pride.

Services include:

  • Needs assessments 
  • Master plans 
  • Field assessments 
  • Facilities Assessments 
  • Event Strategies 
  • Strategic Planning

Community Engagement

Quantum Recreation understands the value of using different means to empower a community. When the community is behind a project, you can see how it shapes and creates the bind which strengthens the social network for the community. Quantum Recreation can assist you in developing your community using the assets in which it already contains.

Services include:

  • Crowd Sourcing
  • Online Engagement
  • Interactive Engagement planning
  • Decentralized and centralized engagement
  • Social Media Marketing
  • AIP2 tactics


As past municipal employees, quantum recreation knows what the day to day pressures placed on not for profit and municipal staff. We have the ability to provide you with quality, comprehensive and work which will provide you to spend time on other important aspects of operations.

Services include:

  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)
  • Council report writing
  • Award Submissions
  • Business case development
  • Fundraising
  • Volunteer management
  • Project Management
  • Program Audits
  • Staffing Plans
  • Service Levels Reviews
  • Audits

Playground services

Quantum Recreation is a full-service inspection company offering programs for municipalities, school boards and private owner/operators of playgrounds. The team of certified playground safety inspectors is your best solution to mitigate risk and ensure your playground is compliant with the CSA Z614 Children’s Plays paces and Equipment Standard. Our goal is to ensure your playground investment is protected, your liability is managed and most importantly that the children in your community have nothing but fun at the playground.

Services include:

  • Prior to Use Inspections
  • Weekly & Bi-weekly Assessments
  • Monthly Inspections
  • Playground Inspection Apps for IOS and Android
  • Protective Surface Testing
  • Annual Audit
  • Maintenance
  • Needs Assessment
  • Program Audits